I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Utah, with a shared appointment between Economics and the School of Environment, Society & Sustainability. My research interests lie broadly at the intersection of the environment and livelihoods. To date, I have focused on environmental policy, conservation, land use, and the human impacts of environmental change. I am particularly excited about applications of remote sensing or biodiversity data in combination with methods of causal inference. I enjoy collaborating with people from a variety of disciplines.
I joined the U after a postdoc at Yale University. Prior to Yale, I completed my Ph.D. at UCSB's Bren School, where I worked as a researcher for emLab on projects funded by CGIAR's Standing Panel on Impact Assessment and the Arnhold Family Foundation.
When not thinking about environmental economics, I can be found casting a fly to a hungry trout or hiking on one of the local trails.
<<Top image: Lago Abascal, Hualaihué, Los Lagos, Chile, March 2022>>